Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fitness Age of an Old Lady

MY GAWD!!! tsk tsk tsk..

I went to the gym with bf yesterday around 8:45pm. Did my usual stretching, with aches still but a little less. I was kind of tired for the day but I decided to work out.

There are 2 treadmills and 1 ellipitical machines in our bldg gym, 1 was occupied when we came so I decided to use the elliptical since I have used it so many times before (before as in 6 yrs ago!! I was a member of an elite gym back at home and I loved using this machine, no pressure on my joints but works my thighs & bum better). I got on it and started at level 3 thinking "level 3? phew! I used to start at level 5 then".. stupid stupid stupid mistake. In short, by the time I reached 15 mins I was breathless and was having an asthma attack and a really bad one at that!

I still tried to slow down as I usually do on a work out even though I feel like I was in labour by the way I was breathing out so loudly and consecutively. I stopped and sat down and I really couldnt breath. Good thing is that the gym is 5 flrs away to my flat.. my bf was so concerned (of course! he better be!!) but I told him not to stop running

I walked towards the lift and I was ready to bang my head for the lift to open (I had this thing of banging my hands on something when I couldnt breath so I can forget the breathlessness feeling and feel the pain more in my hands, just to take away my attention to "IM NOT BREATHING!!"). For what it seemed like an hour the lift opened and thank God our flat is just 6-10 giant steps away. I can feel my face numb as I tried to open the door and immediately took my bag where my medicine was.. It took 20 minutes before I can breath normally. with my medicine, it usually takes not more than 5minutes for my breathing to normalize.

That was a bad attack. All my fault:
1) Should have started at level 1 to warm up, climb up to level 4 max and then back again
2) Should have taken my asthma meds before working out as I know Im not up to par yet.

This is what happens if you let go people!!! Dont take your health forgranted with BPs or none! Exercise and eat well!

Its so sad... I used to be so strong, I mean endurance wise. Now I feel like an old lady!!!

But Im working on it ;)

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