Sunday, September 14, 2008

BP: Third Set


Weight loss

All over!!! literally!! Im 3 sizes down, no exercise at all! Just lesser food intake, but no starving or deprivation..I dont want that!!

Side effects (FOR ME OK?)

For the first 2 weeks: a little palpitation, difficulty sleeping, hmmmm...wat else.? After that 2 wks, nothing.. oh! bad breath?? ewwww... well since I dont eat so much maybe? So I make sure to brush my teeth, gargle and drink fruit juices and lots of water..


DO NOT TAKE BP when you just got back from fever/flu or any sickness. In my case I had a terrible palpitation session, I felt like my eyes are going to pop out of their sockets..It lasted two hours!! Breathing hard while working..

DO COUNT THE HOURS until the orange pill take effect on you. You dont want unecessary/embarrassing trips to the bathroom..

ITS OK if you missed a pill in the set BUT MAKE SURE IT DOES NOT HAPPEN TOO OFTEN! or else the effects might be different.

ITS OK TO TAKE medicines but GIVE IT a 2 HR GAP (as per my reseller)-- so far I have taken a pain reliever, asthma meds, paracetamol, and an antibiotic (when I had a sore throat).

PLEASE EAT!! dont let the curbed appetite stop u from eating even a little. ITS NOT GOOD TO SKIP MEALS! it will destroy your metabolism (so Ive heard) so try to eat a pieace of fruit even if you are not hungry.

MIND SET. As for what Ive heard, taking the BP might cause you to feel some depression or anxiety or sadness. And I think I felt it sometimes. So try mind setting. Focus your mind into the good things.

What else? hmmm..

On to my 3rd set now.. I want to get down to size 6!!! phew!!


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